Junge ins Dunkel

By Renko Doremi Rodenburg I have a sister. My mother cannot see my sister, or at least pretends she cannot. It hurts her. Sometimes at night, I am somewhere else. I try to tell her, but she pretends not to listen. Later she brings it up in public. They laugh. The child is sick. It’s funny. At night, I am like a painting. I am watched from afar, a blot of colours on a canvas…


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Cassie Syndrome

By Renko Doremi Rodenburg Places could not only be haunted by things but also by the absence of things, Cassie thought to herself as she opened and closed another cupboard in the kitchen. Everything was the way she remembered it being twenty years ago, even the peculiar smell that seemed to only hang in the kitchen of one’s grandparents their cupboards was still there. Of course, the grandparents themselves were gone now, the house now…


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Argent Aeneid

By Renko Doremi Rodenburg Preface: This was intended to be a serialized story at some point. Chapters two and three exist, but do no longer reflect the person I am today/ my feelings and emotions. Hence, I won’t be uploading them. It was dawn on Juncea farm and slowly-creeping sunlight awoke Zerstrammilia. She would get out of bed immediately- she used to, really- but didn’t. Dozing off again and again, snoozing and waking when there…


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