Set in the Lands Lost, ‘Far Off Unhappy Things’ follows a plethora of characters struggling to make a living in a desolate but beautiful world.
Unlike most other webnovels/writing projects/storytelling thingies, I intend for it to be an open source kind of deal. I disavow ownership of the setting or the characters, and you are free to use them for your own writing if you so feel like it as if they were in public domain
My own canon will be a hundred-chapter long webnovel, because I’m at the point in one’s life where one should write a hundred chapter webnovel. You can start reading by clicking ‘Far Off Unhappy Webnovel’ in the categories block.
If you want your own Far Off Unhappy stories hosted on this website, you can head over to ‘Submissions’ to see how you can get them posted under the ‘Far Off Unhappy Content’ tag.
Content warnings do apply. They’re far from pleasant stories, and you should absolutely not engage with this website if you are underage/ don’t want to be exposed to gory, sexual and otherwise mature and dark content.
FOUT Chapter 24, Interlude 1
Far Off Unhappy Things Chapter 24. Gunthilde has died, and wanders around for a bit.
The King and the Maxwellianist, or, The Princess and the Ghost, or, The King, The Princess and the Boy.
Far Off Unhappy Things Chapter 24: The King and the Maxwellianist, or, The Princess and the Ghost, or, The King, The Princess and the Boy. By Tintenzunge By Maxwell By Tintenzunge Once upon a time in the distant land where it was always fall, the poet-king was visited by a stranger. “What?” The poet-king asked…
The Princess and the Demoness
Chapter 24: Where Tintenzunge spins a new tale of Far Off Unhappy Things
The End of All Things
Chapter 23, wherein the End comes for the Lands Lost
Last days of Autumn
With the Maxwell occupied taking care of Achlys, Emain and Fleur go for a walk.
CHAPTER 21: Where Reinhild fights one last duel.